Selenium WebDriver Java: Basics + Advance + Architect - 2023

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Selenium WebDriver Java: Basics + Advance + Architect - 2023

Selenium 4 WebDriver Automation Software Testing. Includes Advanced Selenium WebDriver Java Test Automation Frameworks

Selenium WebDriver with Java (Basics + Advance + Architect) Coupon

What you'll learn

  • You'll learn effectively. There is NO bloat material found in this course!
  • You'll develop a deep understanding of Selenium Webdriver using the Java programming language!
  • You'll understand how to develop a well designed and maintainable framework from scratch!
  • You'll learn WHY we do things, not just HOW to do things!
  • You'll gain life-like experience using a dedicated website and e-commerce store!
  • You'll develop a deep understanding of the Page Object Model so that your framework is maintainable!
  • You'll learn many techniques and technologies including TestNG, Maven, Design Patterns, Jenkins, Extent Reports, Parallel Execution, Apache POI and more!


Selenium serves as an open-source automation testing tool designed for web-based applications. It operates directly within web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Safari, and offers support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.

This Selenium course provides comprehensive coverage, ranging from the fundamental aspects of Selenium to an expert level. Throughout the course, it elucidates various techniques for interacting with web pages using Selenium, offering practical examples from live websites.

The course encompasses the best practices in utilizing Selenium WebDriver, including TestNG, Maven, and other frameworks such as the Page Object Model. It ensures that you remain up-to-date in the ever-evolving IT industry by regularly updating videos to incorporate new features and APIs added to Selenium WebDriver.

Key Course Topics:

Module-1: Introduction to Automation and Selenium

- Understanding Software Testing

- Challenges of Manual Testing

- Benefits of Automation Testing

- Selenium as an Automation Tool

- Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium

- Selenium vs. Other Tools

- Overview of the Selenium Suite of Tools

Module-2: Java Essentials for Selenium

- Installation and Configuration of Java

- Setting up the Java Environment

- Installation and Usage of Eclipse

- Basics of Java Programming

- Variables, Data Types, and Operators in Java

- Control Statements, Loops, and Arrays

- Java OOP Concepts, Inheritance, and Interfaces

- Exception Handling, ArrayList, and HashMap

- JDBC Basics

Module-3: Selenium WebDriver

- Introduction to WebDriver and its Architecture

- Downloading and Configuring Selenium WebDriver Jars

- Creating a WebDriver Project in Eclipse

- Writing WebDriver Test Cases

- Understanding Web Locators (name, id, cssSelector, Xpath)

- Working with Dynamic Elements and Xpath Functions

- WebDriver and Browser Commands

- Handling Various Web Elements

- Advanced Actions and Techniques

- Handling Cookies and Desired Capabilities

Module-4: Data-Driven Testing

- Introduction to Data-Driven Testing

- Usage of Apache POI API for Excel

- Data-Driven Testing with Excel, Databases, and Java Hash Maps

Module-5: TestNG Framework

- Introduction to TestNG and its Advantages

- Configuration and Usage of TestNG in Eclipse

- Writing TestNG Test Cases with Annotations

- TestNG XML Configuration and Reporting

- Parameterized Tests, Grouping, and Prioritization

- Parallel Testing, Data Providers, and Listeners

Module-6: Advanced Concepts

- Log4j for Logging

- Page Object Model and Page Factory

Module-7: Maven Integration with Selenium

- Understanding Maven and its Purpose

- Installation and Configuration of Maven

- Creating Maven Projects and POM.xml

- Adding Dependencies to POM.xml

Module-8: Selenium Grid

- Introduction to Selenium Grid

- Setting Up Hub and Node in Selenium Grid

- Designing Test Scripts for Grid Execution

Module-9: Hybrid Driven Framework on a Live Project

- Understanding Frameworks and their Types

- Prerequisites for Framework Design

- Implementation of Hybrid Driven Framework

- Creating Page Objects, Object Repositories, and Utility Files

- Setting Up Configuration Files and Automation Test Scripts

- Data-Driven Test Scripts and Reporting

- Executing Test Scripts via Maven and Emailing Reports

Module-10: Continuous Integration with Maven, Jenkins, and GIT

- Continuous Integration (CI) Concepts

- Jenkins Installation and Maven Integration

- Running Selenium Test Scripts via Jenkins

- GIT Version Control and GitHub Usage

Module-11: Introduction to Cucumber BDD Framework

Module-12: Selenium Grid, Docker, and Jenkins Integration

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